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Independent Living Plus (ILP)

Guiding Harbor’s Independent Living Plus (ILP) program is a Group Home-like setting that serves to meet the youth’s specific independent living needs and goals until they can step down to IL foster care. The duration of the program will vary as determined by the youth’s assessment of needs and strengths. ILP is a transitional, temporary intervention and is not a long-term placement option. The services will last 24 months and do not surpass the youth’s 20th birthday.

The ILP home is a fully furnished house. Each youth has their own bedroom with a door that locks.

Guiding Harbor accepts referrals for the ILP Program through MDHHS or private agencies. Guiding Harbor does not accept emergency referrals for the ILP program

Life Skills Taught

  • Basic needs skills Meal planning, cooking, cleaning, laundry, etc.
  • Critical Thinking Adults need to analyze information and make good decisions.
  • Financial Literacy Adults need to know how to generate income and manage money to sustain housing, food and other expenses.
  • Self advocacy Adults need to know how to act on their own behalf without a third party to negotiate outcomes.


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Our Goal

The goal of ILP is for the young adult to demonstrate the skills necessary be self-reliant including:

  • Employment and/or enrolled in school on a consistent basis
  • Completion of Treatment Plan
  • Obtained a financial base in savings
  • Increased independent decision making and problem solving.
  • Can demonstrate life skills competencies

A successful outcome from ILP may look different for each young adult, but typically results in moving to a traditional Independent Living program.

Eligibility Requirements

This program is also designed as a post-placement resource for youth in which the following apply:

  • Youth successfully leaving residential services who cannot return home.
  • Youth who can care for themselves in a supported, structured ILP program.
  • Youth who cannot be placed into a family foster home.
  • Youth for whom adoption is not planned.
  • Youth who have demonstrated a capacity for and willingness to learn independent living skills in a supported, structured ILP program prior to transitioning into another living arrangement.
  • Youth in independent living are required to be employed full-time, actively involved in job training or continuing education, or a combination of employment and education.
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Referral information

Please complete the ILP Referral form and email it to in order for staff to review the application.

To ensure appropriateness for the program, take a look at the Program Statement to understand the scope of services provided through the Independent Living Plus program.